2018 State Convention

SPOKANE – APRIL 27 – 29, 2018

Our speakers and their organizations advocate for equality; support equal access to educational, pursue professional opportunities for women and girls; promote women in leadership; and push to make our communities a better place to live and thrive.

Photos: Judy Prince, President; Dr. Bonnie Dunbar; Delancey Lane; S’Heros fun photo of Port Townsend attendees; incoming State Board members; Eileen Baratuci introducing Sue Guenter-Schlesinger and Kim Anderson. See more photos on our Facebook album…

Washington’s grandest hotel – they say…

Highlights and available presentations you can view:

  • Learn about the student debt crisis, the impact on women graduates and discuss what needs to change [view presentation…]
  • Learn how to improve our branches and connect with groups helping to improve their community [view Delancey Lane Univ. and Campus Liaison presentation…]
  • Explore the challenges women face in the workplace, from a generational perspective from boomers to millennials [view Eileen Baratuci and Delancey Lane presentation – Part 1… Part 2…]
  • Hear an insider’s view from The Gates Foundation and an update from AAUW National
  • Discuss with Washington State Legislators key legislation amending equal pay laws and ensuring fair hiring practices
  • Hear explanations from University EEO Officers how to retain a broad scope for Title IX, despite federal changes
  • Join Tech Trek participants and volunteers to see how our camps inspired them
  • Learn how to recruit and train women for leadership roles now and in the future.