Actions We Take

Lobby Day

Each year, AAUW-WA hosts Lobby Day. Bringing AAUW members together from all over the state, our Public Policy Team presents priorities, provides expert speakers, and explains our lobbying efforts.

In 2025, Lobby Day was held online on January 27. View recording, handouts, and presentations, click-> here

Legislative Tracking

During the Washington State legislative season, we take action on the weekly updates from our AAUW WA lobbyist.

Use this link -> to sign up to receive This Week in Olympia.

2025 Legislative Actions

The Legislator Scorecard will be used at the end of the session to “score” how your legislator voted on our Lobby Day bills. You can also use it now to see: bills they sponsored, their profile, the committees to which they are assigned, and other information.

Lobby Day Checklist

Click -> here for a Lobby Day Checklist of things you can do to prepare for Lobby Day and for follow-up actions.

Advocacy Anytime

National AAUW has a Two-Minute Activist, with tools to help you call, email, or text your federal and state legislators about urgent issues.

Questions? Email

More Tools You Can Use

Learn how to participate in AAUW’s school board advocacy and about how to support public educators, academic freedom, and equity efforts in schools.