Advocacy for women’s health is closely connected to our advocacy for equity in education and economic security. And it encompasses more than support for reproductive rights.
Here are ways in which AAUW WA is addressing Women’s Health issues:
- Women’s Health is one of our Public Policy Priorities
- Our Women’s Health Care Summit, “Health Matters: Advocating for Washington Women,” addressed the many issues that women face in our state.
- In a letter to the editor of the Seattle Times, our state president expressed support for long-term care as a women’s equity issue.
- We are working in coalition with the Washington ACLU on Keep Our Care Act.
We advocate for national AAUW priorities:
We refer our members to resources such as these, from trusted allies like the League of Women Voters and the National Women’s Health Network:
- LWV of Washington, Elder Caregiving Study
- Sexual and Reproductive Health (including Abortion and Contraception Services)
- Breast Health
- Maternal Health
- Aging Women
- Chronic Conditions
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Disability
- Social Determinants of Health
- LGBTQIA + Health
- FDA Advocacy