Category Archives: Events & Meetings

Great Decisions Presentation

AAUW of Washington is honored to sponsor this free presentation, via Zoom, informing Great Decisions Interest Group members in our state, Oregon, and Idaho, as well as others interested in the topic.

“The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”
A presentation by Dr. Jeffrey S. Morton

Sunday, April 13, 1 to 2 p.m.

Use this link to register.

“Today’s world order is at a crossroads. It is a moment of great uncertainty in which it is possible to imagine many different global futures.” (G. John Ikenberry, Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and guest editor of Great Decisions 2025)

So begins the The Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions 2025 briefing book, which guides the discussions of numerous Great Decisions Interest Groups in AAUW branches throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Middle Eastern policy has been a featured topic In Great Decisions discussions during 2023-2025.

In his talk, Dr. Morton will provide an assessment of the current state of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle for security. The role of regional actors and the United States will be considered along with U.S. foreign policy options.

Professor Jeffrey S. Morton is the Pierrepont Comfort Chair in Political Science at Florida Atlantic University and is a Fellow at the Foreign Policy Association. He completed his MA from Rutgers University, specializing in War Studies. He received his Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina in International Law. He offers the annual Great Decisions Master Class, which is a series of eight lectures on selected foreign policy topics.

A recommended reference for those interested in more background is The Shortest History of Israel and Palestine: From Zionism to Intifadas and the Struggle for Peace by Michael Scott-Baumann.

How about a Zoom Party to hear and discuss Dr. Morton’s presentation?

Here’s an idea from the AAUW-WA Membership director:

“Zoom Parties happen when you invite others to join you at your home while Zooming. Yes, it would be nice to share Zoom on a huge Smart TV but that’s not necessary to have a good time with others at your Zoom Party. A computer or tablet works too. Discussion after a Zoom Party just naturally happens. What else would you need for a successful and fun Zoom Party? Well…there could be snacks!” (Jeanne Nygard)

In fact, Zoom Parties will be the topic at the next state Membership meeting on Monday, March 10, 1:30 p.m.  Go to the state calendar to find the Zoom link.


Lobby Day 2025

Monday, January 27
Links to the handouts and slides are available below.
Hosted by our AAUW-WA Public Policy Team.

View the recording, click-> here.
Passcode: 745Yh9V^

Lobby Day Agenda Slides

Speakers included:

Sign up now to receive This Week in Olympia, containing updates from our lobbyist and easy action steps to support our advocacy efforts.

Your Resources for 2025 Legislative Advocacy

The Legislator Scorecard will be used at the end of the session to “score” how your legislator voted on our Lobby Day bills. You can also use it now to see: bills they sponsored, their profile, the committees to which they are assigned, and other information.

Lobby Day Checklist

Click -> here for a Lobby Day Checklist of things you can do for follow-up actions.

2024-October State Meeting

“Telling Our Stories” was our first in-person event in over four years! It was held on Saturday, October 19, at Renton Technical College.

The program included:

  • Welcome and remarks by Dr. Yoshiko Harden, RTC President
  • Keynote presentation by April Sims, President of the Washington State Labor Council

  • Viewing Arise Firebird, a documentary film celebrating the resilience and empowerment of women and BIPOC professionals in the workplace. Q&A with the director (who tells her story in the film)

  • Breakout sessions facilitated by Doris Martinez, Executive Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at RTC
  • Door prizes and plenty of time to socialize

About Our Keynote Speaker, April Sims

April Sims is the chief executive officer of the Washington State Labor Council. She supervises all of its activities and staff, and leads Washington’s largest union organization representing more than half a million union members. The granddaughter of Louisiana sharecroppers and the daughter of a single mother, Sims has seen the power of unions to change lives.


Contact Jodi Forsell,, for more information.

Dorothy Roberts, MacArthur Fellowship

On October 1, the MacArthur Foundation announced their 2024 Genius Grant winners. One of the recipients is Dr. Dorothy Roberts.

Many AAUW-WA members will remember Dr. Roberts’ presentation for our 2021 Health Matters! webinar.

Dr. Roberts is a professor of sociology and law at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a legal scholar and public policy researcher exposing racial inequities embedded within health and social service systems. Her work encompasses reproductive health, bioethics, and child welfare. She sheds light on systemic inequities, amplifies the voices of those directly affected, and boldly calls for wholesale transformation of existing systems.

From the MacArthur Foundation website:

“Roberts argues that the engrained oppressive features of the current system render it beyond repair. She calls for creating an entirely new approach focused on supporting families rather than punishing them. Her support for dismantling the current system of child welfare is unsettling to some, but her provocation inspires many to think more critically about its poor track record and harmful design. By uncovering the complex forces underlying social systems and institutions and uplifting the experiences of people caught up in them, Roberts creates opportunities to imagine and build more equitable and responsive ways to ensure child and family safety.”

The MacArthur Fellowship is awarded to talented individuals who have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a marked capacity for self-direction.

The selection criteria are 1. Exceptional creativity, 2. Promise for important future advances based on a track record of significant accomplishments and, 3. Potential for the Fellowship to facilitate subsequent creative work.


Fireside Chats 2024-2025

Join us for free online “Fireside Chats”!

It’s a virtual opportunity to chat informally with other AAUW branch members around the state on topics that matter to us.

Lobby Day Follow-up
March 12, 7 p.m.
Via Zoom

Hear about progress of our priority legislation, the state budget, This Week in Olympia, and other follow-up to Lobby Day 2025.

Register using –> this link.

Fundraising: Ideas, Tools, Getting Started
February 19, 2025

What is your branch doing to raise funds? What idea do you have for fundraising? What tools do you use for ticket and product sales? Collecting money prior to and at the event? How do you promote it?

View recording at –>this link.
Passcode: =F7&a2&z

Handout on “Purses with a Purpose,” a fundraiser held by Stanwood Camano Branch.

“Elections 2024: What Did We Learn”
Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Our AAUW-WA Public Policy Team led a discussion on lessons learned from our branch candidate forums and “Get Out the Vote” activities, to help us plan for 2025-2026 and beyond.

“The Future of AAUW”
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Discussion facilitated by Barbara Sando.

  • The vote to change membership requirements did not pass—what happens now?
  • How do we continue growing our organization?
  • How financially stable is national AAUW?
  • What are the ramifications of the Title IX scholarship decisions?
  • What is the future of AAUW? What steps do we need to take to get there?

Click here to view-> Slides and charts on the Future of AAUW

Click here to view ->Handout on Title IX and Scholarships, prepared by Barbara Sando

Click here to view -> Notes compiled by Emily Hitchens

Future Dates and Topics:

May 21, 2025 — How Visible is AAUW in Our Communities?



For more information, contact Jodi Forsell,

School Board Advocacy

Chalkboard reading AAUW School Board Advocacy

Across the country, school boards, and candidates for school boards, are taking up controversial policies that have led to:

  • Banning books from school libraries
  • The censorship of curriculum in school classrooms due to individuals finding content “objectionable”
  • Policies leading to the prevention of safe school climates for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities

Here are some resources to help you learn about and participate in AAUW’s school board advocacy.

Watch this webinar: School Boards: The Battleground for the Education Culture Wars

And check out the resources referenced in the webinar.

Read AAUW-WA’s position statement on Supporting Public Educators, Academic Freedom, and Equity Efforts in Schools.

School Board and SPI Elections

There are no school board elections this year but the Superintendent of Public Instruction position is up for election. Use our  SPI Candidate Comparison to see how these candidates stand on specific issues.

The League of Women Voters provides How to Choose a School Board Candidate: What Every Voter Should Know.

Serving as a School Board Director

Are you interested in running for your local school board? The Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA) provides a helpful get-started webpage, Serving on Your Local School Board.

2024 Annual Meeting

Sunday, April 21
12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
2024 Annual Meeting
“The Climate Matters to Women”

Following the presentations, the annual business meeting included the President’s report, finance update, updates from the Board, voting on bylaws, and election of officers.

To view the recording on Zoom, use this link.  Passcode:  ?juw=&8k

Approved Bylaws, click here
Financial Reports, click here

Guest Presenters

Ming-Ming Tung-Edelman, founder of Refugee Artisan Initiative, “Turning Trash into Treasure.” RAI teaches immigrant women how to achieve financial independence through small batch production with an emphasis on zero waste.

This video explains the work of Refugee Artisan Initiative. Click here


Renee Hadley is a licensed geologist with a background in aquifer mapping, agricultural extension, tree seed collection, invasive species surveys, and geo-technical engineering. She is district manager for the Walla Walla County Conservation District and president of the AAUW Walla Walla Branch, “Adapting to Changing Landscapes.” View her presentation slides. Click here


For more information contact Jodi Forsell,

Lobby Day 2024

MONDAY,  JANUARY 22 – Online via Zoom

The Washington Legislature opened its short session on Monday, January 8, and we  tracked bills that met our AAUW-WA priorities.

Bills that we supported.
Talking Points for communicating with your legislators.

Lobby Day Presenters

View the recording (Includes a transcript of Chat) using Passcode: s8B0yez.

Weekly legislative updates were published in “This Week In Olympia” for the 2024 legislative session and you can read them online.


Questions? Contact



Lobby Day 2023

Webinars Fall 2023


For our fall, 2023, webinar series, “Opportunity Matters” was a powerful theme. The webinars had a future focus, as well as examples of current practice, to showcase what will make AAUW’s vision of equal opportunity a reality.

Completed 2023 WEBINARS

June kickoff – Dr Season Hoard presented “The Gender Pay Gap: The Opportunity Lost Cost of the Gender Pay Gap on Washington Women” – CLICK FOR PRESENTATION VIDEO –>

September 12:  “Advocacy and Legislation Matter.”  AAUW-WA lobbyist Nancy Sapiro and Public Policy Director Sandra Distelhorst talked about upcoming legislation, such as Keep Our Care Act and Equity in Education bills. Then Sandra talked with Gina Masullo about her research on political engagement and opportunities to advance gender equity through political action. Dr. Masullo is the author of The New Town Hall: Why We Engage Personally with Politicians, and two other books on online engagementAs a gender-nonconforming breast cancer patient, Gina Masullo has had personal experience with gendered bias in healthcare.

October 3: State Senator Karen Keiser, author of Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, shared her observations about opportunities for upcoming generations of women legislators and leaders. To view the recording, go to this link and use passcode: xam.3hyW

October 10: Focus on Literacy – Cat Howell, Executive Director of Literacy Source in Seattle, and Katherine Freimund, director of Whatcom Literacy Council, described how their organizations help women gain skills and education to create opportunities for themselves and their families.

November 14: Jessica Gerdes, Manager of Outreach and Mentorship at the Department of Translational Medicine and Physiology at Washington State University. By introducing students  to healthcare roles such as EMT, her program addresses the shortage of healthcare providers in rural areas in our state. View slides used by Jessica Gerdes in her presentation. To view the recording, go to this link and use passcode: !5.k5vWp

December 12: Grace Yoo, Executive Director of the Washington State Women’s Commission, established in 2018 by Governor Inslee. She discussed the work of the commission and  opportunities for women in leadership. View slides used by Grace Yoo in her presentation. To view the recording, go to this link and use passcode: #8XWM#Yu

Webinar June 17 – Opportunity Matters

The Gender Pay Gap
Saturday June 17

Our Keynote Speaker for the 2023 Fall Webinar Series will be Dr. Season Hoard, a professor in the Division of Governmental Studies and Services (DSGS) at WSU. Dr. Hoard will introduce our 2023 topic: Opportunity Matters. She will speak primarily about topics such as the gender pay gap, but will also touch on preparing women for employability in high wage, high demand STEM fields.

She has been responsible for developing applied research designs, conducting evaluation research, coordinating research projects, and managing client expectations since 2016. Prior to 2016, Dr. Hoard served as the Research Coordinator, coordinating and conducting applied research projects. Prior to joining DGSS, Season earned her Ph.D. from the School of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs at WSU with a focus on comparative public policy and gender and politics.