2022 State Conference

$35 before April 1
$40 after April 1

8:30am – 12 noon: Morning Presentations. Start with networking at 8:15. The meeting will keep all of us informed and energized about the good work being done on many fronts.

12:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Annual Business MeetingTO REGISTER FOR NO-COST AFTERNOON MEETING CLICK HERE–>
We will reconvene at 12:30pm and be joined by AAUW’s new CEO, Gloria Blackwell. Gloria will share with us her vision for the future of the organization and the exciting opportunities and challenges she anticipates. Our business meeting will start immediately following Gloria’s presentation. For those newer members of AAUW, the business meeting will help you understand the workings of the state organization. The afternoon Business Meeting is free to attend, but registration is still needed.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The business meeting will include a vote on a proposed change to the bylaws and the election of officers for next year.  Information on those items was sent to the members on March 10th, thirty days prior to the meeting as required by the bylaws.  If you missed this information, you can use the links here to view/download:
Proposed By-laws Amendment…
Report of the Nominating Committee… If you would like to nominate someone for any board position, and have their consent to be nominated, you may do so either by submitting their name to the chair of the Nominating Committee, Barb Schmit – bschmit@harbornet.com, or from the floor when nominations are called for.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER MORNING: The primary focus will be strengthening public education while making it more equitable for girls, students of color, and LGBTQ students. To that end, we have invited nationally recognized education journalist Jennifer Berkshire to serve as our keynote speaker. She will be supplemented by education experts from the state of Washington, who will reflect on her message and discuss what Washington needs as it reacts to the problems created by the pandemic and as it moves to improve schools generally.

Berkshire is the co-author, with Jack Schneider, of A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door: The Dismantling of Public Education, [website click here… ] a very important book on current school politics. She is also the co-host and co-producer of Have You Heard, a monthly podcast on education issues. Her articles and interviews on the debate over the future of public education have appeared in Salon, the Washington Post, the Baffler, the Progressive and on EduShyster.com, a blog that she created.

Obviously, Berkshire is a major author/expert on a significant topic central to the AAUW mission. Her message is new to many and highlights problems that will require innovative policy approaches. Citizen awareness is crucial if we are to avoid the pitfalls that Berkshire and Schneider document and analyze.

To help our members familiarize themselves with the issues she will address, we will be organizing a statewide book group meeting in late March focused on A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door. Alternatively, you can center a branch book group meeting on her work.