Public Policy

As an organization and as individual members, we advocate for federal, state and local laws and policies to ensure equity and end discrimination.  This work is political but not partisan. We believe that Public Policy work is the most effective way to fulfill our mission to advance equity for women and girls.

The AAUW WA Public Policy Director and Team:

  • Set Public Policy Priorities
  • Analyze pending legislation and determine bills to be tracked, sponsored, or supported by AAUW WA
  • Consider state ballot measures and determine which to endorse or oppose
  • Educate and encourage branch members to engage in public policy work
  • Provide resources, gather data, and compile reports

Become part of our team, contact

Want to learn more? Explore:

Priorities That Guide Us

How our advocacy efforts and public policy work are based on organizational mission and vision, and on priorities that are regularly reviewed and approved.

Issues We Care About

Pay Equity

ERA, Equal Rights Amendment

Title IX

Women’s Health

School Board Advocacy

Actions We Take, and Tools We Can Use

Learn about Lobby Day 2025, legislative tracking, the Two-Minute Activist, and other tools and resources to help you advocate for AAUW and AAUW-WA priorities.