Join Us

Membership in AAUW is open to people who hold associate degrees (AA or AS) or higher, and also to students working toward a degree.

Most of our members join through their local branches. (Find a branch in Washington State to connect with. Or, consider our Online Branch.)

On the national AAUW website, you can select a category of membership that’s right for you: National Member, Branch Member, College/University Member, Student Member.

If you join as a Branch Member, you also become a member of the national and state organizations.

To join online

Gather the information you’ll need to complete the AAUW membership form:

  • Your educational record, including dates of degrees earned or in progress
  • Branch or branches you want to join
  • Branch ID number(s) (Click here to find branch ID numbers for WA State)
  • Your credit or debit card

Ready? Click to create your account on –>

To start the process, choose Don’t Have an Account? at the bottom of the screen.

When you have completed this online process, your branch and state membership chairs will contact you. Welcome to AAUW!

College and University Partners

Branch, college, and student members of Edmonds SnoKing Branch

Click here to learn more about the benefits of AAUW membership to colleges and universities and their students, and for a list of current AAUW-WA college/university partners. For more information, contact our C/U Director,