AAUW NATIONAL MISSION: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.
VISION: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in areas impacting the lives of women and girls.
Our AAUW Washington State Mission
To provide leadership and training to invigorate and inform local branches and affiliates, and to advocate as one voice to achieve our national mission and state objectives.
We support the AAUW mission which is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. AAUW and AAUW-WA believe that democratic participation in governance and equal rights, benefits, and opportunities in all institutions of society—economic, social, educational, health, and political—are fundamental to women’s empowerment and public well-being. For that reason we:
- oppose all forms of discrimination
- support policies that improve racial, ethnic, and gender diversity
- believe in the separation of church and state
- support a fair, balanced, and independent judiciary